
alexandra bolzer© 2014

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Visual Artist From Vienna Seeking For A New Medici Patron

The emerging artist Alexandra Bolzer, is visual artist from Vienna / Austria and she doesn´t agree with the norms of the international art market. 

She is seeking for a patron like the Medicis, and created an indiegogo campaign with a speacial perk for that: 

the PATRON perk! for only 10000 € you are part of it, AND the patron will recieve a lot of goodies for that: 

even knowing to support an unknown artist, during her career, getting her known, being very personal to her, no, you additionally get five years paintings for free, recent portfolios, VIP tickets for exhibitions, and, 

last but not least: a book about the finished concept. 

And finally a lot of good feelings supporting a relavant contemporary art project with a massege for peace, freedom and a tolerant society.

What else does a patron need?

"ARTproject - lotta continua * the battle goes on" 

checkout the hole artproject on indiegogo here!

The Impact:

- accomplish awareness to people to be involved in historic processes.
- make people think of different viewpoints to get more tolerant of other opinions and   ideas.
- stimulate people to think more sustained in their decisions.
- motivate people to stand up for their rights

source buzzfeed

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